Meredith Emery was awarded the Beinecke Scholarship, which will provide support for her graduate education over the next two years. Meredith is one of 18 winners across the United States, selected through a highly competitive process on the basis of intellectual ability, unusual creativity, and evidence of leadership. Congratulations, Meredith!
Our paper titled “Tree rings and stable isotopes show differential adaptation of native and invasive woody species to streamflow fluctuations in a semi-arid riparian ecosystem in the Great Plains” has been accepted for publication in Ecohydrology
Sarah Schmitt successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation titled “The Role of Fog in the Hydrologic Functioning of Tropical Island Ecosystems.” She will graduate in December as the first Ph.D. from the Carbonshed Lab!
Our opinion piece titled “Fusagasugá y San Bernardo: el balón está en su cancha” was published in the Colombian newspaper El Espectador. Read it here: https://www.elespectador.com/opinion/fusagasuga-y-san-bernardo-el-balon-esta-en-su-cancha-columna-818833
Meredith’s work on environmental degradation was recently featured in Endeavors. Read the story here: https://endeavors.unc.edu/emotional-environment/
Our paper titled “The Role of Fog, Orography and Seasonality on Precipitation in a Semi-Arid, Tropical Island” was accepted for publication in Hydrological Processes. Link to PDF under ‘Publications’
Our paper titled “The Importance of and Need for Rapid Hydrologic Assessments in Latin America” was recently accepted for publication in Hydrological Processes. Link to PDF under ‘Publications’
Our paper titled “Summer Dry-Down Modulates the Isotopic Composition of Soil CO2 Production in Snow-Dominated Landscapes” was published in PLOS ONE. Link to PDF under ‘Publications’
Haley Moser was awarded the J. Doug Eyre Award for Outstanding Leadership in Geography, and the Peter J. Robinson Award for Best Research Paper in Environmental Geography. She will graduate with a B.S. in Environmental Science and B.A. in Geography this year. Congratulations!
Sarah Schmitt was awarded the Thomas S. and Helen Borda Royster and Snowden and Elspeth Merck Henry Dissertation Fellowship within the Royster Society of Fellows for the academic year 2018-2019. This is a dissertation completion fellowship that will provide support for Sarah’s last year of her Ph.D. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Sarah Schmitt, who was selected to the inaugural cohort of Kenan Graduate Fellows in the College of Arts and Sciences at UNC. This is a newly established recognition for graduate students who “have distinguished themselves as outstanding researchers and teachers, and who will be asked to serve as ambassadors” in future graduate student recruitment efforts across the college.
Congratulations to Sarah Schmitt, who successfully advanced to Ph.D. candidacy for her work on “The role of fog in the hydrological functioning of tropical island ecosystems.”
Our paper titled “Watershed Services in the Humid Tropics: Opportunities from Recent Advances in Ecohydrology” was recently accepted in Ecohydrology. This paper is a large collaborative effort that emerged at the AGU Chapman Conference on Tropical Ecohydrology, in Cuenca, Ecuador.
Our paper titled “Evaporation from a shallow, saline lake in the Nebraska Sandhills: Energy balance drivers of seasonal and interannual variability” was published in the Journal of Hydrology. Link to PDF under ‘Publications’
2016 and before
Angelica Gomez receives Faculty for the Future Fellowship for her work on “Ecohydrologic Modeling of Tropical Watersheds”
Our paper titled “Weather whiplash in agricultural regions drives deterioration of water quality” has been accepted for publication in Biogeochemistry. Link to PDF under ‘Publications’
New team-taught, interdisciplinary course titled “Geography for Future Leaders: People, the Planet and You” selected by the College of Arts and Sciences. This new course will be taught with Dr. Elizabeth Havice and offered for the first time in Spring 2018. More information: http://college.unc.edu/2017/01/11/courses
New NSF-funded project in response to Hurricane Matthew: “RAPID: Impacts of Extreme Flooding on Hydrologic Connectivity and Water Quality in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, and Implications for Vulnerable Populations”
Our paper titled “Effects of Land Use on Soil CO2 Flux in the Guerrero Paramo, Colombia” has been accepted for publication in Agronomia Colombiana
Our paper titled “Spatial and Seasonal Variability of the Stable Carbon Isotope Composition of Soil CO2 and Flux in Complex Terrain” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences. Link to PDF under ‘Publications’
Diego gives an invited lecture at the AGU Chapman Conference on “Emerging Issues in Tropical Ecohydrology” in Cuenca, Ecuador.
Our paper titled “Optimizing Sampling Strategies for Riverine Nitrate using High-Frequency Data in Agricultural Watersheds” has been accepted for publication in Environmental Science & Technology. Link to PDF under ‘Publications’
Rebecca Chaisson featured on the Daily Tar Heel for her work on Solar Energy. Read the story here: http://www.dailytarheel.com/article/2016/04/unc-students-join-organization-to-support-solar-energy
Sarah Schmitt receives CZO SAVI grant for her work on the role of fog in critical zone water in Galapagos and Ascension Islands.
Our paper titled “The Galápagos Archipelago: A Natural Laboratory to Examine Sharp Hydroclimatic, Geologic and Anthropogenic Gradients” has been published in WIREs Water. Link to PDF under ‘Publications’
Sarah Schmitt receives a CUAHSI Pathfinder Fellowship for 2015.
Our paper titled “Life in the clouds: Are tropical montane cloud forests responding to changes in climate?” has been published in Oecologia. Link to PDF under ‘Publications’
Sarah Schmitt has been named a National Geographic Young Explorer! The Young Explorers Program supports “hard-working, passionate, creative individuals with great ideas” and has helped launch the careers of many of the Society’s, and our planet’s, most renowned explorers.” Congratulations, Sarah!
Catherine Schumak receives the Tom and Elizabeth Long Excellence Research Award for her work on “Carbon dioxide, methane, and stable isotopes in the environment.”
Our paper on “Landscape Position Influences Microbial Composition and Function via Redistribution of Soil Water across a Watershed” has been accepted for publication in Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
Madelyn Percy has received a grant from the Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) Science Across Virtual Institutes (SAVI) Program. This award will provide funding for her project titled: “Pedogenesis in the tropics: The Galápagos as a natural laboratory.”
Madelyn Percy has won a student award from the Hydrogeology Section of GSA for her student research proposal. She will be presented a plaque at GSA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, November 2015.
Sarah Schmitt has been awarded an Outstanding Mention from the Geological Society of America for ‘exceptional merit in conception and presentation.’ She is one of ten recipients chosen from among 784 applicants reviewed in 2015 and will be presented a certificate at the GSA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, November 2015.
Our review paper on “Dynamic interactions of ecohydrological and biogeochemical processes in water-limited systems” has been accepted for publication in Ecosphere.
Sarah Schmitt has been awarded a Student Research Grant from the Geological Society of America for her work on “Understanding Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Water Cycling in the Galapagos Islands.”
Madelyn Percy has been awarded a Student Research Grant from the Geological Society of America for her work on “Pedogenesis in the Tropics: The Galápagos as a natural laboratory.”
Madelyn Percy has been awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to conduct hydrology research in the Galapagos Islands
Diego receives an ASP Visiting Professor Faculty Fellowship from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Diego receives a Junior Faculty Development Award from UNC’s Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Diego gives an invited talk at NC State University
Morehead-Cain Scholar Rebecca Chaisson joins the lab
Diego gives an invited talk at Tübingen University
Diego lectures at the MICMOR Summer School at the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Sarah Schmitt has been awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to conduct hydrology research in the Galapagos Islands